The United States Bible Society, Inc.

America's Bible Society continuing to distribute the original word for word transliteration of the Holy Bible

U.S.B.S: Church Partners
Claim Your Zip Code for Your Church
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($25 a Month)(Purpose=ZipCode)
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Or Fund Your Claim by Mail:
The United States Bible Society, Inc.
5544 Forest Drive
Loganville Ga. 30052
Attn: Zip Code Claims
Hello Friends, My Name is David Burnette, Director a 501(c)3 Ministry that distributes Free Bibles to those in need who contact us. We Currently distribute an average of 3000 Bibles a Month but are not reaching 100% of the Bibles Requested. This growth has us restructuring our Method and We Need Your Help.
Our Current Method
1) We receive a Bible Request
2) We contact a Church in their Zip Code
3) The CHURCH then gets a Bible and Contacts them to pick it up at their Church.
4) Our Goal is to connect the Requester with the Word and a local Church.
The Challenge:
1) Even though we explain the Process the Bible Requester has a problem understanding the system
2) Many Churches are not prepared to help and follow through
3) Many 3rd World requests go unfulfilled due to a shortage of local Churches
Our New Method
1) We receive a Bible Request
2) We Supply and Ship the Bible to the Requester.
3) We will make a Book Mark telling that YOUR CHURCH Provided the Bible for them.
4) We will include the book mark with YOUR CHURCH in their Bible.
The Challenge:
1) The Cost, we will need each Church to give $25 a month to cover the costs of Bibles, Shipping, and Printing.
Can Your Church Help? Please Fill Out the Form to Claim Your Zip Code.